AlSawari Mini Drama Playlets
About AlSawari Mini Drama Playlets
Introducing the Mini Drama Playlets Project
A new festival based on the idea of reducing the theatrical performance time and employing all theatrical arts in an intensive manner guaranteeing absolute interaction of the audience with the play. This festival comes in the context of the steady acceleration in the rhythms of the modern age and the multitude of technological inputs on man which makes focusing on a long theatrical play very difficult.

This Project, to be held from February to June 2023, shall be based on the following:
- Lectures on the concept of playlets, showing samples from modern global festivals and exhibitions based on this style.
- A practical training workshop for playlets
- Playlet shows.
- It is expected that the Project will involve 200 trainees, 50 lecturers from our staff as well as our partners from across the world.
- 10 Plays Attracting 800 spectators.