AlSawari Theater has announced its final preparations for launching the first Arab theatrical conference titled "Mobile Theater and Alternative Spaces," in collaboration with the Alumni Club, in celebration of World Theater Day and the thirtieth anniversary of the establishment of AlSawari Theater (the Pearl Jubilee). The conference will take place on Monday, March 28th, 2022, from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM at the Isa bin Salman Cultural Hall at the Alumni Club in Adliya.
Al-Sawari Theater held its general assembly and discussed and approved both the literary and financial reports. Among the most significant proposals approved by the general assembly at its meeting on Sunday evening was the reduction of the number of board members to 5 in the next term, instead of 7. Additionally, the general assembly recommended that Al-Sawari Theater intensify its external participations and enhance its artistic and administrative capabilities.
Al-Sawari Theater will launch, at 8:00 PM on Tuesday, March 29, 2022, at the Bahrain Cultural Hall in Manama, a book signing event for "Ibrahim Khalfan: In Search of the Mischievous Actor." This celebratory book presents, in the form of extensive dialogue, the artistic journey of the actor Ibrahim Khalfan over more than 40 years.